
Hong Kong Warehouse Processes A Batch Of Lenovo DOA Laptops And All-In-Ones On Site!
There is a big difference between shopping in Hong Kong and mainland China. As Hong Kong has relatively sound shopping regulations, there are very few counterfeit and shoddy products in the local area, and consumer protection measures are also in place. For example, laptops and other electronic devices have an unreasonable return time, which is similar to the ""return" period in Europe and America, which means that you can get the purchased products and return them without any reason. This is also the reason that there are a lot of returned products in major electronics stores in Hong Kong every year. So where are these returned products go? Let me reveal to you, AUKTE will regularly sign purchase contracts, such as the one-year contract, all the display samples in the stores, and the equipment that consumers return without reason will be recycled by us at a suitable price, and this will be returned from the consumer. Then to our recycling process, the processing of commodities called DOA in the industry.

在香港购物与在大陆有非常大的区别,由于香港对于购物的法规比较健全,因此在当地对于一些伪劣产品还是非常少的,并且对于消费者保护措施也是非常到位的,比如说消费者购买的笔记本电脑以及其他电子设备都有一个无理由的退换时间,和欧美的“”反悔“”期有点类似,也就是说不需要任何理由你就可以拿到买到的这些产品退回去, 也是由于这个原因每年在香港的各大电子卖场都会产生非常多的这类退换产品,那么这些退换产品都到哪里去了? 下面给你揭晓, AUKTE定期会签署采购合同,比如签订的一年合同所有的卖场中的展示样品,以及消费者无理由退换的设备都会按照一个合适的价格被我们回收,其中这个从消费者退回再到我们回收的过程,行业中叫做DOA的商品处理。

