恒大集团IT资产数据销毁转售项目|Evergrande Group Hong Kong stock code: [033
恒大集团于1997年在广东省广州市成立,中国恒大在香港上市编号:[03333] 是集地产,金融,健康,旅游,汽车,体育为一体的全球世界五百强企业,仅在广州和深圳两地员工超过三千多人,在2019年的财富杂志中全球五百强企业排名138位,恒大在中国多个城市拥有员工超过8万余名,并且超过百分之90是工程技术以及管理相关专业的本科学历, 在国内拥有一级资质的房地产开发公司,在中国有甲级资质的建筑设计院。

Evergrande Group was established in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province in 1997. China Evergrande is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange No.: [03333]. It is a global Fortune 500 enterprise integrating real estate, finance, health, tourism, automobile and sports. There are more than 3,000 employees in Shenzhen and Shenzhen, and it ranks 138th in the Fortune Global 500 in 2019. Evergrande has more than 80,000 employees in many cities in China, and more than 90% of them are engineering Bachelor degree in technology and management related majors, a real estate development company with first-class qualifications in China, and an architectural design institute with first-class qualifications in China.

Provide services to Huawei China: 阿科特此次项目提供的业务
1,IT asset evaluation | IT资产价值评估
2,IT equipment recycling and disposal | IT设备回收
3,Physical destruction of hard disk data | 储存介质数据软件擦除
4,Environmental protection dismantling of scrap IT equipment |  报废IT设备环保拆解(部分)