中国联通办公IT设备固定资产处置项目 | China Unicom IT Asset Disposal

中国联合网络通信集团有限公司是2009年1月在中国网通和中国联通的基础上合并而成, 在国内的全部省市均有业务在境外多个主流国家和地区也设有分支机构, 并且也是中国唯一的一家在纽交所,港交所,上海交易所同事上市的电信运营企业, 并且连续多年入选全球五百强企业, 在国内的主要业务为通信以及通信设施服务,卫星国际专线业务,数据通信业务,网络接入业务,和各类电信增值的业务。

China United Network Communications Group Co., Ltd. was formed in January 2009 on the basis of the merger of China Netcom and China Unicom. It has business in all provinces and cities in China, and also has branches in many mainstream countries and regions abroad. The only telecom operator in China listed on the New York Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and has been selected as one of the world's top 500 companies for many years. Data communication services, network access services, and various telecom value-added services.

Provide services to Huawei China: 阿科特此次项目提供的业务
1,IT asset evaluation | IT资产价值评估
2,IT equipment recycling and disposal | IT设备回收
3,Physical destruction of hard disk data | 储存介质数据物理销毁
4,Environmental protection dismantling of scrap IT equipment |  报废IT设备环保拆解(部分)